yZYX Revolution
ZYX is an endling thing in the crypto world.
That’s why we are starting a ZYXling project. It will be a DeFi experiment created by ZYX Network Team.
We DO NOT HAVE presale
WE DO NOT HAVE millions in supply
We DO HAVE initial aidrop
We DO HAVE token burn
yZYX is an ERC-20 token with a rational supply and farming conditions. Just you, ZYX, and yZYX. What could be better?
- Premine: 1 yZYX
- Max. supply: 365 yZYX
- Farming: 1 yZYX per day
- Starting price: ~$3500 (1 yZYX = 10 ETH)
- Locked liquidity: 0,1 yZYX & 1 ETH ( for 1 years )
- Airdrop: 0,9 yZYX for 9 randomly chosen participants of the ZYX FARM FEST Day 1. Each lucky one will get 0,1 yZYX.
To be able to farm yZYX you need to fulfill the following conditions:
- Possess ZYX ERC-20 tokens
- Possess yZYX tokens
Step 1: Provide liquidity to ZYX - yZYX pool on UNISWAP to receive UNISWAP V-2 yZYX LP tokens
Note: You can purchase yZYX on UNISWAP: Coming soon…
Step 2: Stake LP UNISWAP V-2 yZYX tokens in our FARMING APP
Note: FARMING APP — https://eth.zyx.network/
As simple as it is! No rug.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING!!!!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Only a few more conditions, to make it even more exciting. Be sure to read it carefully:
- Once you stake ZYX-yZYX LP tokens in the Farming App, your LP tokens will be blocked on the liquidity pool contract forever.
- From every sale of yZYX, a 1% fee of the corresponding amount will be returned for future farms.
Contract: 0x544153e45d498a41bc5723eeb8cfa2057e701b22
Add liquidity:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zyx__network
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ypNN42S
Web: https://yzyx.zyx.network
Telegram: https://t.me/zyxdefi