ZYX Network Testnet results
Testnet results are almost there!
During the period of Testnet probation, we got plenty of useful feedback from our community members. We highly appreciate your participation in the Testnet and completed tasks. Your reviews and comments helped us very much. Some of your amends we will add to the next versions of our product. Also, thanks to all entries we've checked out network stability, as well as other processes.
You may look through the results following this LINK. As we've mentioned earlier, Testnet rewards are subject to the vesting with a 1-year cliff followed by linear unlocking during 3 months afterward.
“We highly appreciate the work of our community and are very proud of current Testnet results. It’s a big step for us in particular, as well as for the community in general. Thank you once again for your support and quality of your feedback”, told ZYX CBDO.
The vesting period begins today and will be visible in a special interface once it goes live. You'll be able to check the corresponding reward that you'll receive alongside the unlocking schedule. Therefore first unlock will proceed on 03.02.2023.
We are going to conduct more Testnets in the near future. So, stay tuned, and subscribe to our social media channels. Your help is irreplaceable. Let’s make ZYX the best and the most convenient network together.